Na této stránce si můžete stáhnout GoodDog písmo verze Version 1.000, které patří do rodiny GoodDog (Regular obrysu). Výrobcem písma je Ethan Dunham - Fonthead Design. Designér - Ethan Dunham. Stáhněte GoodDog zdarma na Toto písmo patří do následujících kategorií: bouncy, contemporary, curly. Velikost písma – pouze 16 Kb
Rodina | GoodDog |
Obrysy | Regular |
Odsazení | EthanDunham,FontheadDesign: GoodDog: 1996 |
Celé jméno | GoodDog |
Verze | Version 1.000 |
Název PostScriptu | GoodDog |
Výrobce | Ethan Dunham - Fonthead Design |
Velikost | 16 Kb |
Obchodní značka | GoodDog is a trademark of Ethan Dunham - Fonthead Design. |
Designér | Ethan Dunham |
URL poskytovatele | |
Popis licence | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fonthead Design End User License Agreement ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By downloading and/or installing Fonthead Design fonts ("software") you agree to the following user license terms: 1) Grant of License: The purchase of this software grants to you ("user") as licensee, the non-exclusive right to use and display the software at a single home or business location on a maximum of 5 CPUs. You also may give a copy of this software to any service bureau which you hire to output your film, paper or color proofs, provided that they do not use the font software for any purpose other than outputing your work. They may keep the font software on file for use with future jobs on your behalf. 2) Backup: One copy of the software may be made for backup. 3) Transfer: You may transfer the original software from one party to another provided ALL materials, including all backup copies are included and that the recipient agrees to the licensing terms and conditions. 4) Copyright: The software and accompanying documentation are copyrighted and contain intellectual property information protected by law. You may not make or distribute copies of this software or accompanying documentation without the express written consent of Fonthead Design. 5) Fair Use: If there are illustrations or images in the font software other than letterforms, numbers, punctuation marks, diacritics, etc, you may NOT use the font software in a manner where the illustration or image becomes the primary aspect of a product for resale. For example, if an image was used on a coffee cup, to sell the coffee cup, or on a t-shirt to sell the t-shirt or on a greeting card to sell the greeting card, etc. 6) Ownership of software: The software and all subsequent copies are the property of Fonthead Design. This does not apply to the physical media on which the software is contained. 7) Disclaimer and Limited Warranty: Fonthead Design warrants that the disk is free of errors and will be replaced within one year of purchase in the event of defective media. If the failure of disk results from accident, abuse, or neglect, then Fonthead Design assumes no responsibility to replace the disk. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AND FONTHEAD DESIGN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY. IN ADDITION, FONTHEAD DESIGN DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS A RESULT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. |
Písmo GoodDog můžete propojit se svými stránkami, aniž byste ho stahovali z našeho serveru. Jediné, co musíte udělat, je postupovat podle níže uvedených pokynů:
Zvolte si nejvhodnější možnosti instalace písma a na své stránky přidejte tento kód (vložte ho bezprostředně za otevírací značku <head>):
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(;
Aktivujte ve svém CSS písmo pro text:
font-family: 'GoodDog', arial;
Vzor zdrojového kódu:
<html> <head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'GoodDog', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with GoodDog!</div> </body> </html>
Můžete použít různé styly a CSS a pomocí naší knihovny efektůzískat tím atraktivní a individuální vzhled svých stránek .